Monday, November 30, 2020


So, why am I away from social media right now? Well, I just find my memories are like open wounds. Till they heal, messing with them will just te-open them. When I see the people who made those memories, whether they be bad memories or good memories I know will never happen again, it's like reopening those wounds. Additionally, I'm sick and tired of this whole "oh yeah, we should totally hang out sometime" stuff because sometime never comes. It makes it really hard to believe that they actually want to hang out ever and I am just done with it all. For me social media has always been a thing to be a "until we can hang out in person" type thing. But if people aren't ever going to actually try to hang out the forget it. So yeah, that's why.

That being said, I'm not abandoning anyone. I wouldn't be doing this if there was even one person that I cared about that wouldn't have a way to contact me if they needed, or don't have means to figure out how to if they want to. If you're reading this, I'm always here for you if you need me. Call me at 2:00am if you need, I don't care. I will drop what I'm doing if there's anything I can ever do to help you

Sunday, November 8, 2020

One set of prints

 One set of prints in the snow. If something happened to me, no one would know. At least not for a while. There wouldn't be anyone there in time to help. That's what scares me. Not that I will not be able to be helped, but that at some point I won't be able to help. It scares me when people want to isolate themselves, whether it be out of fear, pain, anything. It scares me because I won't be able to help and that's the one thing that I want to do for my friends and those are considered to be my family the most.

So if you're reading this, I'm here for you. No matter what happens, I am always here for you. Doesn't matter if it's the dead of night, if you need someone to help you, call. If you need someone to talk to, call. I live to serve and sometimes the greatest way for me to receive love is to be able to show it. I will lay my life down for you if need be without a second thought, and have absolutely no regrets. Anyone who knows me knows that I hold nothing back, and there is no length to which I will not go for those that I love.